Tuesday, March 27, 2012

guest blog post!

Check out my guest blog post for the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) and their Gluten Free in College series!  How nice of them to think of me :)

Happy eating!

P.S. It's sponsored by Kettle Cuisine, makers of all-natural, gluten free soups.  Full disclosure: none are onion free and, thus, not Jessi-friendly, I did receive this promising email from an Associate Brand Manager:

Hi Jess!

Thanks so much for your support and taking the time to contact us.  I can help to answer any questions that you might have about our soups.   I’m afraid that I have bad news today.  All of our soups do contain onion :(
I’m sorry that we don’t have something for your to try today but what I can do is let our chefs know and hopefully we’ll have something for you to try in the future!


1 comment:

  1. Jessi, your guest blog post is super! It provides a wealth of great tips and encouragement for others who need a gluten-free diet, and lets them know they're not alone!
    Great to know about the onion in the soups. Too bad.
